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日 期:2016-01-25 10:48:53 来 源:易安居星座网














☆☆☆天蝎座——译者: 豚豚












The Week Ahead
25th Jan 2016 - 31st Jan 2016

Hooray! On Monday Mercury returns to normal motion so the recent trend for go-slows, no-shows and missteps will gradually fade into the distance. Of course, now that all the confusion is out of the way what we may find in the deal-with-me pile may not be to our liking one little bit.If there is one piece of advice I would offer up at this time it is to tackle the worst item on your hit list - the one you’ve been avoiding, that annoying buzzy noise at the back of your unconscious mind.

From bitter experience I learned that avoidance is the route to misery and confrontation the road to happiness. And while the word confrontation is most often used in the contest of an argument, I am using it here in the sense of facing another kind of enemy - a task we fear.So, whatever is bothering you, stop worrying silently about it and take steps to resolve it, no matter how reluctant and fearful you may be of the outcome.

The Week Ahead for Aries

Keep calm and carry on.

January goes out much as it came in - on a Plutonic note. You could be digging deep in your heart and mind for answers or digging deep in your pockets for cash - maybe both. Where money is concerned there is very little point in going back over old ground but there is every reason to apprise yourself of the financial facts and open up negotiations with the relevant parties.

However, in regard to other matters which are needful of solutions, finding the root cause and examining how you arrived at this point could prove helpful. Some information may not have reached the right source and someone could be operating with incorrect material.

The Week Ahead for Taurus

Seeing your way forward.

After several weeks of disinformation and communication hiccups, clarity is being regained. By the end of the week you should be in full possession of the facts and able to see where your next move should be. For some Taureans this is welcome news on the business and finance front; for others more personal matters are on their way to being resolved.

However, especially late in the week, a small misunderstanding may arise which, if not handled with diplomacy, could turn into a serious upset. There are always ways around an impasse, but in the heat of the moment alternative routes cannot be glimpsed. Withdraw, regroup and return to the drawing board.

The Week Ahead for Gemini

Waving not drowning.

You have been in the deeps of the eighth house for much of January, and although the Sun is now gracing the area of far horizons, encouraging you to expand your world view, some more complex issues remain unresolved. It may take another few weeks before you are completely out of the water but you should be beginning to see signs of light this week.

If you have not yet attempted a heart-to-heart discussion or been able to obtain information that will clarify a situation, reboot your efforts. Taboo subjects need to be addressed and elephants in the living room must be dealt with. Whether for love, money or peace of mind, it’s time for action.

The Week Ahead for Cancer

Acquiring distance and perspective.

January signs off on a Mercury-Pluto conjunction. Translated this means that one or more situations that have thus far evaded resolution require one final effort. As is often the case at this point in the year, the tax man comes knocking at the door and the bills start accumulating, which even for a cautious and economically minded sign like yours can still thrust you onto the horns of a dilemma.

Make a deal, not a drama. For other Cancerians the reason you may be feeling the pressure is more personal, and a relationship could have reached a make or break point. This may not be the moment to cut the ties that bind but it could be the time to allow distance and perspective to do their work.

The Week Ahead for Virgo

Diplomacy wins, OK.

With Mercury turning direct the information highway will be freeing up, helping you get from A to B without going through the whole alphabet. As always when this planet of communication gets back to normal errors are revealed and people who have been out of touch return to the fold. All of which should prove entirely positive.

However, this planet has some unfinished business with those two agents of transformation and the unexpected, Uranus and Pluto, so the road to success may still contain a couple of large potholes. Tread carefully with friends and foes alike, and if faced with a challenge back down gracefully - do not fight fire with fire.

The Week Ahead for Aquarius

Allow a situation to fully play out.

With Venus working her way through the mysterious twelfth house, you may be in something of a dilemma regarding a love affair. It is possible that someone who was hotly pursuing you appears to have gone off the boil or it may be that the way you used to feel about a partner is subtly changing. Then again, you could be conducting a relationship in secret. The point to remember about twelfth house transits is that the reality is going to be very different from the appearance of things.

So, bide your time before making a move that could prove life-changing. And although romance and relationships may be in the frame here, if you sense something is changing but you are uncertain why or how, do nothing for the moment.

The Week Ahead for Pisces

Knowledge is empowering.

If you believe that all is not well with a project or a relationship, obtain the facts before confronting someone with your feelings. In the same way that an attorney never asks a question without knowing the answer you need to be on rock solid ground before making allegations. You could unintentionally bring about the exact scenario you are hoping to avoid.

There is great power in silence. Not that you can afford to act like an ostrich in regard to a business or financial matter. If you have a vague feeling that you might be running into a hole of some description, put in the relevant firewalls immediately.
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    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼